I'm waiting for Tommy Lee Jones to say what he said at the end of No Country. But good stuff, I did not think you'd take that Superman Note and make it into a really heartfelt post.

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Jun 29Liked by Peebo Preboskenes

It is nice to know that my shitposts can inspire others to actually write. Perhaps I serve a useful function in life after all, albeit a minor and comical one.

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We are all merely players as the The Bard reminds us. And humor is one of the legs of the three-legged stool that makes life bearable. The other two of course being love and mass murder, I mean art. Art and mass murder. Mass murder done artfully. Anyway, you get my point.

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It’s never glamorous being the inspiration. You are like the Muse.

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Jun 30Liked by Peebo Preboskenes

Heaven, Heaven is a place, a place where nothing, nothing ever happens.

The band in Heaven. They play my favorite song. Play it once again. Play it all night long.

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I always took that lyric negatively but perhaps it's not meant that way: what's so wrong about being somewhere peaceful where nothing happens. Enough happens in life. Younger folks don't get it and older folks don't need to be reminded.

In my mind, sitting with loved ones, ancestors, all my dogs and cats, nothing to say, no need, just peace, and telling stories, the infinite stories that link us all together, laughing, singing and simply basking in the divine glory.

Mark Twain famously said he's go to heaven for the climate and hell for the company. There is some irony and some truth in that statement, but irony is for the living, and entertainment as well. I'm fine with heaven being "boring" in that sense. After the cares and struggles of this world most of us will be ready for peace, love and God's grace.

Ironycels and hypocrite-exposers, being always of this world, have trouble seeing beyond it. The pose, all the fashion in a cynical age, gets old. The phrase give it up to God comes to mind. So my advice is enjoy all of life including the irony and indignation but realize that there is something higher, better, and we should nurture that as well so we have something fullsome and bright to bring to eternity.

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In Heaven, they play your favorite song. Over and over and over again all night long.

In Heaven, it’s a big party and everyone is there but they all leave at exactly the same time.

It makes it difficult to imagine that nothing at all could be so exciting, could be so much fun as they say.

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